Tunnel Terms of Use
MCCW Tunnel Terms of Service
Below are some rules and information about using this facility:
Maximum Vehicle clearance is 88" or 7'4"
Vehicles must have a minimum 5" in ground clearance
Vehicles must have a maximum width of 80'' or 6'8'' to fit
Dual axles or tires wider than 13.5" don't fit in the wash.
These items can't go through the wash:
Trucks with beds containing fuel tanks
Trucks with uncovered beds that are not completely empty and free of debris
Vehicles with permanently affixed tripod-style mirrors
Vehicles with ladders/ladder racks
Vehicles with rear-mounted racks such as bike racks or mobility vehicle racks
Vehicles with excessive mud
Vehicles with flaking rust or perforated body panels
Other vehicles at the manager's discretion
Before heading into the wash, fold in or remove these items:
Power antennas
Customers are responsible for the following:
Collisions due to braking in the tunnel
Please keep your vehicle in neutral, your foot off the brake, and your hands off the steering wheel during the tunnel at all times
Automatic wipers
Pre-existing conditions/damages
Vehicles over 7 model years old
Power antennas/mirrors
Shark fin antennas
Non-factory items including:
Custom wheels
Bug/brush guards
Wind deflectors
Ladder racks
Aftermarket tires
Bike racks
Luggage racks
Valve stems
Wheel covers/center caps
Failure to follow these rules, procedures, and warnings may result in vehicular damage and driver liability. Customers using this wash do so at their own risk. Mr. Clean Car Wash is not responsible for driver error.
By using this wash and/or membership, you agree to abide by these rules and to follow all safety signs and cautions of Mr. Clean Car Wash.