If you’re a 4WD vehicle owner, you probably know the importance of keeping it clean in the winter time. All that caked-on mud, snow and ice can trap moisture against the body, frame and other parts and cause rust. That’s why a thorough cleaning after every big adventure, no matter how cold and cloudy the weather may be, is a very good idea.
Summer 4WD fun involves different activities (beach trips, off-roading, often more sand and dust than mud) that require different types of maintenance. Keeping the outside and interior clean is important year-round, but summer’s the right time to focus on the inner workings of your 4WD vehicle, too.
There are more moving parts in a 4WD, so a thorough approach is best. For example, Mr. Clean Car Wash & Oil Change Plus offers a 4WD transmission service package. It includes a full-service oil change and automatic transmission service but adds service for the transfer case, which takes the power from your engine and transmission and distributes it to your 4WD vehicle’s front and rear axles.
There’s also service for the front and rear differential. Those are the gearboxes that let the outer drive wheels to roll faster than the inner drive wheels when you’re making a turn. When you get right down to it, the transfer case and front and rear differential are what make your vehicle a 4WD vehicle. Inside the transfer case and the front and rear differential is fluid. Over time, and especially when exposed to the elements that are common in summer such as four-wheeling, that fluid can get dirty, break down and provide less of the protection against heat and friction your 4WD vehicle needs. Keeping those fluids fresh and topped off can mean many thousands more fun-filled miles at the wheel of your 4WD vehicle.
Combine that maintenance with thorough cleaning and the regular service you’d give any vehicle and you’ll be enjoying the kind of fun and freedom only a 4WD vehicle can give for years to come. Come to Mr. Clean Car Wash today to prepare for all your summer adventures!